Contact us

Shall we have a chat?

We are always open to a dialog with customers and potential partners. We are ready with competent advice and sparring about your idea or products.

Th. Udengaards Metalstøberi A/S
Blæsbjergvej 44 8722 Hedensted, Denmark
CVR: 51686519

Phone: +45 75 89 16 22

Opening hours goods in/delivery:
Monday – Tuesday: 06:00 – 14:00
Wednesday – Friday: 06:00 – 12:45

This is where we are located

Metalstøberi, Hedensted

Blæsbjergvej 44, 8722 Hedensted, Danmark

Kokilleafdeling, Hedensted

Phønixvej 12, 8722 Hedensted, Danmark

ADM Metodval AB, Sverige (Agent)

Contact us for a referral to our Swedish agent

Frequently asked questions

Find your answer quickly among our frequently asked questions right here.

At UG Metal, we manufacture high-quality metal castings, including aluminum:
– Aluminum
– Red brass
– Tin bronze
– Aluminum bronze
– Brass castings

We work with the following casting methods:
– Cronite casting
– Sand casting
– Chill casting

Yes, we have! At UG Metal we are DS/EN ISO 9001:2015 and DS/EN ISO 14001:2015 certified. If you would like to read more about our certifications, please visit our quality and environmental policy.

UG Metal has more than 40 years of experience and has always been family-owned and is now run by the 3rd generation. Naturally, this means that we have built up an enormous know-how in metal casting, especially in chill casting, sand casting and cronite casting.

Our company details at UG Metal are:
Th. Udengaards Metalstøberi A/S
Blæsebjergvej 44
8722 Hedensted, Denmark
CVR: 51686519

You can easily get in touch with UG Metal if you need help or have questions about our solutions and products. Send us an email at or call us on +45 75 89 16 22.