Consulting services

UG metal is not just a subcontractor, but wants to service our customers from idea to finished
finished product.

A total supplier

We want to make it easy for our customers and therefore take responsibility for the total solution from idea to finished product.

That’s why we offer exactly the solution that suits the individual customer. This means that the customer always receives qualified advice that ensures the highest quality in the product, whether you want a ready-to-assemble item or a product for machining in-house at the customer’s premises.

We ensure the optimal solution, and for many years we have found the right partners in areas such as machining, surface treatment, finishing, etc.

Competent and professional advice

We know that no two jobs are the same and a new product or project requires a thorough analysis. Therefore, we always want to be involved early in the consultancy process to create the best result. Our advice forms the basis for:

Casting method – ingot, cronite or sand casting
Model making
The casting process
Subcontractors, including machining,
Finishing, surface treatment etc.
Minimizing waste

Contact us today for a non-binding meeting.